Sahih:Muslim:2646 (en en2)
 An angel sets in the womb one to be male or female, evil or good, livelihood and age New born, first born (27) Free will (25)
Sahih:Abu Dawud:2131 (en en2)
 I married a virgin but found her pregnant: the child will be your slave and then flog her Last 2 Months (56) Mohamed's violence (30) Wedding big curiosities (15) New born, first born (27) Treatement (25) Fornication (24) Killing children and women (26)
Sahih:Al Bukhari:4741 (en en2)
 At that point, any pregnant woman will give up her pregnancy and the child will have gray hair. Last 2 Months (56) Mohamed's miracles and revelations (19) New born, first born (27) God can punish and kill (12) Description of paradise (6) Gog and Magog (4)
Sahih:Al Bukhari:7314 (en en2)
 My wife has delivered a black boy Mohamed did not allow him to deny his paternity New born, first born (27)
Sahih:Al Bukhari:6765 (en en2)
 The boy is for the owner of the bed, and the stone is for the adulterer New born, first born (27) Stoning (31)
Quran:Al-Baqarah 2:228 (en en2 tfs tfs2)
 Divorcee shall wait 3 menses, not conceal what's in their wombs Divorce (15) New born, first born (27) Pedophilia and virginity (34)
Quran:Nuh 71:27 (en en2 tfs tfs2)
 If You spare them, they will mislead Your servants, and give birth to staunch disbelievers New born, first born (27) Meccreants and polytheists (71)
Sahih:Abu Dawud:3963 (en en2)
 The Prophet said: The child of adultery is worst New born, first born (27) Childhood (10) Adultery (26)
Sahih:Muslim:2146a (en en2)
 The first thing that entered a baby's stomach, was the saliva of Allah's Messenger New born, first born (27) Saliva, sputum (17)
Bible:OT:Numbers 8:17 (en)
 Every firstborn male in Israel is mine. I struck the firstborn in Egypt for myself New born, first born (27)
Bible:OT:Exodus 13:12:13 (en)
 Every first-Born Male is to be sacrificed to the Lord or redeemed with a Lamb New born, first born (27) Killing children and women (26)
Bible:OT:Exodus 12:12 (en)
 God will pass through Egypt and strike down firstborn of both people and animal New born, first born (27)
Bible:OT:Exodus 12:29 (en)
 God struck down himself, all Egypt firstborns, humans and livestocks New born, first born (27) Killing children and women (26)
Bible:OT:Exodus 7:3 (en)
 God harden pharaoh's heart to multiply his signs in Egypt and kill the first born New born, first born (27)
Bible:NT:Romans 9:17:18 (en)
 Says to Pharaoh: "I raised you up for this very purpose, to display my power in you" New born, first born (27)
Bible:OT:Judges 11:30:39 (en)
 Jephthah sacrificed as a burnt offering his own daughter, she was an only child New born, first born (27) Killing children and women (26)